About SAL
The Latin American Semiarid Library, also known as SAL, is the result of an inter-institutional partnership, signed through a Technical Cooperation Agreement, between the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), the Brazilian Semiarid Articulation (ASA), via Association One Million Cisterns Programme (AP1MC), and the Latin American Semiarid Platform, via Foundation for Development in Justice and Peace (FUNDAPAZ) and National Development Foundation (FUNDE). Its main purpose is to bring visibility and to reunite technical, academic, research and knowledge management materials related to the Semiarid regions of Latin America, for both academic and general audiences.
The SAL Library is being conceived as an information system that gathers, preserves, disseminates and allows access to its inter-institutional production, with the purpose of strengthening the exchange with other institutions, optimizing the management of investments in research, contributing to the elaboration of indicators of scientific and technological production and supporting the teaching-learning processes through facilitated access to knowledge.
This initiative is in line with the worldwide movement of open access to technical, scientific and cultural information. The adoption of this model of management and dissemination of digital documents enables greater visibility, appreciation, preservation and dissemination of information production, which contributes to the systematization of a dissemination policy, as well as making available to society the results of activities of research, creation and innovation.